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Randall ward

With Stuart Millsaps & Alex Espinosa

"It intuitively feels right for us to release these songs and return to playing together," says guitarist Randall Ward.

In the 1990’s, in the midst of each being involved in different (and some overlapping) bands & musical projects, Randall, Stu and Alex would get together to jam & play "just for fun". Randall & Alex were both in rehearsal rooms at the Austin Opera House so it was easy to connect. Later, Stu had a studio space (M&M Sound) that became jam central. Recordings were made and gigs were planned but despite that, they soon went separate ways. The recordings served as a reminder that something had been left unfinished. A chance meeting between Randall & Alex at the Saxon Pub led to the trio working together again. The seeds for what is now the "Becoming" album were planted decades ago. The three have reunited to play together again just for the pleasure to be found in doing it. 


Playing new songs as well as revisiting older ones is a continuation of that energy they had previously set in motion. There’s a timeless quality to getting in the musical flow and letting it carry you along. You realize how much you’ve missed it when you connect with it again.

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